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Jabiru by Corben Mudjandi

Jabiru by Corben Mudjandi

Regular price $55.00 AUD
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Accompanying Corben Mudjandi's exhibition JABIRU, is a special publication documenting his 60 medium format and 35mm large-scale photographs, curated by Agency.

The beautiful collection of photographs and stories provide a glimpse into the life of a young Mirarr man living in Jabiru, NT, and reflects on the past, present and future of the town highlights the tensions between the social and environmental disasters caused by the impact of modern industries, such as mining.

“Before it was a really busy mining town. Now, since the mine closed and everyone left, it’s kind of… how do you say? It’s like a love and hate thing. We hate the mine, we want them to leave, but we don’t want the people to go.

So when the mine left, we also lost that community feel. And then, you know, we almost started calling it a ghost town. When the mine started moving out and people also started moving out, we started seeing things change. This was, I think, around 2016. Now, the Mirarr vision is to recreate that strong sense of community. We really love that.

We want to create a place that can be remembered for future generations.”
                                                                                                                   – Corben Mudjandi.

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